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Status: Active
Price: $450,000.00
Type: Commercial
Lot Size: 1.09 Acre
Parcel Number: 33403000000500000006.0
Zoning Type: General Commercial (CG)
Taxes / Year: $1,334.81 / 2023
  • Zoning / Land Use
  • The site lies within Indian River County's jurisdiction and is zoned General Commercial (CG) with a Future Land Use designation of Commercial / Industrial (C/I). The adjacent properties to the north and south of the parcel also contain the same zoning and future land use designations as the subject parcel. Various use-types are allowed in the CG zoning district and as for the defined under Section 911.10(4) of the IRC LDRs. Some of the allowable uses are but are not limited to, beauty shops, general and professional offices, automotive repairs and rentals, carwashes, body shops, health and fitness centers, medical offices, convenience stores, retail stores, and child care facilities. See Appendix B for additional use types allowed within this zoning district.

The subject sites are located on the west side of US Highway 1 in unincorporated Indian River County. Pursuant to a previously developed boundary survey developed by

Parcel 1 (1415 US 1) is approximately 0.77 acres, and Parcel 2 is approximately 0.32 acres. Due to the small parcel size for the 1425 S. US 1 and for maximum development potential, it is recommended that both parcels undergo a unification to be combined into one large parcel, providing for a total site acreage of 1.09 ac. This will provide the owner with the maximum development flexibility for the property. Therefore, the analysis below assumes that parcel unification and the findings and recommendations will be based on a single parcel with a site area of 1.09 ac.

Currently, both parcels are vacant consisting of mostly trees and wooded vegetation. The parcels are bound by the Florida East Coast Railroad (FECRR) to the west, existing commercial development to the north, US Highway 1 (SR 5) to the east and existing,abandoned commercial development to the south. 

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